Pokemon Go, likely known to the whole world, is one of the best Augmented-Reality (AR) game available out there. Like the main handheld Pokemon game series, this game features a rich set of activities to perform. From collecting Pokemons, fighting Gyms to earn badges, hatching eggs, trading pokemons, etc. there is plenty to cater to the needs of the diversified crowd. In addition, the game also adds certain new features such as the multi-tier Raid system, where trainers collaborate to defeat a certain mighty pokemon or legendary to gain experience, obtain rare items such as TMs and Rare Candies, etc. and to unlock a bonus challenge to catch the raid boss; complete research quests for rewards; battle among trainers for fun or competition; catch certain exclusive pokemons (sometimes with hilarious accessories on them); and many more.

If you have not yet tried this game, be sure to check it out on the Play Store or App Store. (Spoiler Warning: The game might be very addicting.) I believe this game will provide that extra push needed for you to step out of your door and get walking; Or if you are already outdoors, make your time fun filled by adding extra activities. Gotta catch 'em all!
I have been playing Pokemon since early 2017 and it has been a long wonderful journey so far. I have had a fair share of outdoors gameplay as well as spoofing experience. I have also had my highs and lows in terms of gameplay time and now I am more of a casual player. Due to the recent increase in Pokemon Go events (focusing on shiny releases), however, the game has been a grinding chore for the shiny hunt, which seems to be demotivating certain categories of users. However, just as one need not smoke cigarettes just because they are available out there in the store, one need not participate actively in all the events released by the game creator, Niantic. You need to decide a line for yourself. As a player, you are supposed to control the game and indulge in conscious gameplay and not the vice-versa. Just figure out what is best for your personal and professional life balance and do your part.
Moving on to the point as to why am I writing this piece in early 2019 - it's partly because I wanted to share my Pokemon Go experience with the world and partly because I feel this as the first step to organize more players in Bangalore (my regular gameplay area). We have a WhatsApp group for Bangalore based gameplay mainly to help each other with legendary raids (mostly in Ex Raid Gyms), as well as a platform to share good IV coordinates, important quests, etc. This has been proven effective to make the gameplay wonderful for both legit and spoofer community. Feel free to join our Raid group at https://chat.whatsapp.com/EI84yfp5SRUBd6ui1KdpDj (No Spam Allowed. Join only if you raid regularly in Bangalore).
I also have plans to share location (coordinates/cord) for important/rare daily quests as well as consolidate the Pokemon nest data for Bangalore area in coming days through this blog. I would appreciate help and support from the community to help me achieve this objective. So stay tuned by subscribing to this blog. You can also follow me on the various social platform for updates.
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