Hello Trainers, Have you caught them all? Below are the details of daily Pokemon Go Research Quests in Bangalore updated on a regular basis for this week to help you on your journey to becoming the Pokemon Master. The quests are categorized by Location and Reward Types to enhance the user experience and to help you find the needed quest fast and easy. We are also working on adding sorting and searching feature soon to the tables.
Feel free to drop by those wonderful quests that you have encountered at the comments below and we will try to add them to the list.
Quest Date | Location | Quest Category | Quest Name | Reward | Coordinates |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Catch 10 Pokemon | Houndour or Magikarp * | 12.95197, 77.58461 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Catch 10 Pokemon | Houndour or Magikarp * | 12.95005, 77.58193 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Catch a Ditto | Ultra Ball x10 | 12.95036, 77.58561 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Evolve a Pokemon | Sunkern or Eevee * | 12.94945, 77.58628 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Make 5 Curveball Throws in a row | Pinap Berry x2 | 12.94964, 77.58940 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Make an excellent throw | Great Ball x5 | 12.95371, 77.58536 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Stardust | Make an excellent throw | Stardust x500 | 12.95011, 77.58647 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Spin 10 Pokestops or Gyms | Silver Pinap Berry x5 | 12.94868, 77.58931 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Spin 10 Pokestops or Gyms | Silver Pinap Berry x5 | 12.94990, 77.58400 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Trade a Pokemon | Feebas * | 12.95136, 77.58331 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Trade a Pokemon | Feebas * | 12.94945, 77.59094 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon | Great Ball x5 | 12.95035, 77.58912 |
16-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Win a Raid | Revive x4 | 12.95271, 77.58329 |
15-Apr-2019 | Bugle Rock Park | Pokemon Encounter | Trade a Pokemon | Feebas * | 12.94424, 77.56831 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Trade a Pokemon | Feebas * | 12.94916, 77.58355 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Make 5 Curveball Throws in a row | Great Ball x5 | 12.95298, 77.58363 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Catch 10 Pokemon | Houndour or Magikarp * | 12.95136, 77.58331 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Catch 10 Pokemon | Houndour or Magikarp * | 12.94945, 77.58628 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Use 10 Pinap Berries while catching Pokemon | Magikarp * | 12.94797, 77.58076 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Win a level 3 or higher raid | Max Revive x1 | 12.95155, 77.58466 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Win Level 3 or Higher Raid | Omanyte or Kabuto * | 12.94868, 77.58931 |
15-Apr-2019 | Bugle Rock Park | Pokemon Encounter | Win Level 3 or Higher Raid | Omanyte or Kabuto * | 12.94188, 77.57031 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon | Pinap Berry x2 | 12.95011, 77.58647 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Make 3 Great Throws in a Row | Razz Berry x9 | 12.95139, 77.58554 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Win a Raid | Revive x4 | 12.94821, 77.58138 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Catch 3 Grass-, Water-, or Fire-type Pokemon | Silver Pinap Berry x5 | 12.95063, 77.58249 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Spin 10 Pokestops or Gyms | Silver Pinap Berry x5 | 12.95404, 77.5843 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Items | Spin 10 Pokestops or Gyms | Silver Pinap Berry x5 | 12.94990, 77.58400 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Stardust | Use a supereffective Charged Attack in 7 Gym battles | Stardust x1000 | 12.94945, 77.58628 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Evolve a Pokemon | Sunkern or Eevee * | 12.94964, 77.58940 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Transfer 3 Pokemon | Vulpix | 12.95005, 77.58193 |
15-Apr-2019 | Bugle Rock Park | Pokemon Encounter | Transfer 3 Pokemon | Vulpix | 12.94364, 77.56956 |
15-Apr-2019 | Lalbagh | Pokemon Encounter | Transfer 3 Pokemon | Vulpix | 12.95035, 77.58912 |
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